- Standard CMOS process.
- Embedded 16M EPROM.
- 682 sec Voice Length at 6KHz sampling and 4-bit ADPCM compression.
- Maximum 1024 voice groups.
- Combination of voice blocks to extend playback duration.
- User selectable PCM16 or PCM8 or ADPCM data compression.
- 5 triggering modes are available:
◆ Key Mode ◆ CPU Parallel Mode
◆ I2C Mode ◆ SPI Mode ◆ MP3 Mode
- Voice Group Trigger Options: Edge / Level; Hold / Un-hold; Retrigger / Non-retrigger.
- Optional 16ms or 65us (@ 8KHz sampling rate) selectable debounce time.
- RST pin set to HIGH to stop the playback at once.
- LVR (Low Voltage Reset)
- 7 user programmable outputs.
- 3 kind oscillator: Internal-Rosc, External-Rosc, Crystal.
- 2V - 5V single power supply and
- PWM Vout1 and Vout2 drive speaker directly.
- D / A COUT pin drives speaker through an external BJT.
- 16 level Volume control.
- Audio out 16 bit.
- Development System support voice compilation.